Sunday, April 19, 2020

Lock down & Health

Lock down & Health Effects

1. In view of corona virus pandemic everyone is totally confined to our homes since lock down was imposed in our country w e f 25th March 2020. The same lock down condition is prevailing in 210 countries of world also due to corona virus.
At the time of writing this blog more than 12456 people have been infected and more than 423 persons have died due to corona virus in our country. The situation across the world is grimmer where more than 20, 94,943 people were infected and 13,569 people died due to this virus. The worst affected countries were US, UK, Italy, 
Spain and France etc.
After only 2-3 weeks of lock down, reports had started pouring in electronic media about adverse impact of lock down on health of individuals. Everyone was very scared about corona virus infection and this was leading to tension, stress, anxiety and depression which was reflecting upon physical and mental health of individuals.
We had to realize that under the given circumstances no one had any choice except to stay inside our home for own safety and for safety of our family. However during this period we must take some precautions so as to keep us physically and mentally fit.

     2. A no. of symptoms are being noticed which reflect upon the adverse effects on health of individuals.
                                   i.Continuously worrying about self and family about corona virus infection.
         ii. Disturbance of night sleep.
             iii. Change in routine of meals.
                                                               iv. Unable to concentrate and feeling uneasiness.
                                 v.  Effects more severe in elderly people particularly having chronic illness 
like diabetes,high BP and heart diseases etc.
                                               vi. Some people feeling depressed due to lock down conditions.
                                               vii.Increased use of alcohol, tobacco etc due to stress by some.

3. According to Indian Psychiatric Association there is a 20% increase in mental illness cases in our country since 2-3 weeks of lock down.
 Cases are further increasing as the no. of corona virus cases are increasing day by day. Govt. of India has recently established a 
Toll-free Helpline no. 080-46110009 where any one can seek guidance
 for his/her mental problems during lock down.
 This helpline is established by National Institute of Mental Health 
and Neurosciences (NIMHANS) Bangalore.
The consultation is being provided by doctors and trained staff of this institute.
There in another good news that govt to is going to start telemedicine facilities for mobile/online consultation to such patients through
 NIMHANS and AIIMS. It will also help people at this hour of need.

4.Guidelines have been issued by WHO and our
 Min of Health and Family Welfare in order to handle the situation 
during corona virus pandemic.
        i.    Except for exempted category of duty personnel each and every 
individual must remain at home during lock down period.
 Every individual must maintain social distancing as 
advised by medical authorities.
       ii. We should follow healthy lifestyle where our meals, sleep and exercise etc 
should be regulated.
                   iii. Remain in regular contact with our near and dear ones 
through telephone or online.
    iv.  It is the right time to pursue our hobbies which one could not pursue
 due to busy schedule of life.
    v.   If one gets overwhelmed by scenes of death and causalities, 
restrict our exposure to such news to the barest minimum.
     vi. Do not indulge in excessive use of alcohol, 
tobacco and other forms of drugs 
just to cope up the lock down situation.
                                       vii. If unable to cope up the situation then consult health professional.

5. Sleep is always a causality when a person is under
 tension/stress as prevailing during lock down.
 For proper night sleep we must follow
 the advice of sleep scientists as below.
           i.  Stop use of mobile, tablet and computers etc at least 1-2 hrs before
 going to sleep as it affects the melatonin
 levels which is closely linked to our sleep.
    ii. Follow a fixed sleep routine. Sleep early 
around 10-10.30 PM and get up early 
around 5 AM in the morn. This routine should be
 a regularly instead during lock down.
      iii.The food has a direct bearing on our sleep so always eat 
very light dinner at least 2-3 hrs before sleep.
        iv.   Follow a regular routine of exercise,
 yoga and any other breathing exercises. This will improve our sleep.
              v.There is a misconception among some people
 that alcohol helps in getting sound sleep.
    The fact is otherwise. Alcohol consumption disturbs
 the Tryptophan levels in our body 
thus disturbing the night sleep. One does not feel refreshed 
after a full night sleep.
           vi . Restrict coffee consumption after 5-6 PM in the evening. 
Coffee contains certain 
chemicals which create alertness in brain. It disturbs night sleep.
              vii.   Last but not the least, do meditation for 5-10 min 
every morn and 5-10 min every even. Rajyog is the best form 
of meditation which is taught by Brahmakumaris.
 One can learn it by watching in YouTube.
 Later one can learn it at our nearest 
Bramkumaris centre free of cost. 
The medical science has now proved that meditation 
not only improves our sleep
 but also your overall physical and mental health.

So by following simple techniques suggested by
 sleep scientists one can overcome the problem of disturb sleep.

In the end, as we all know we are going to face new
 challenges in post corona virus pandemic 
life so we have to keep ourselves more physically 
and mentally fit to face the new challenges in life.


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