Monday, May 25, 2020

Lock down Chit chat 2

Welcome to Radio Madhuban 90.4 FM in which RJ Ramesh is having chit chat with Keshav Mohan Pandey ji and Dr. Rishipal Dhiman ji during this lockdown.

Dr. Rishipal ji has done his doctorate in chemistry and has hobby of reading many books. Through his gazals, he tried to depict the beauty of life. In his words, " Chemistry deals with chemicals, so is with kitchen which acts as chemistry hall." He further added saying that life without music is meaningless and seems as animal life." He wrote beautiful gazals focusing on current situation quoting hatred can be cured with love and so on.
Another poet named Keshav Mohan Pandey ji joined in the chit chat, who had written various poetry in bhojpuri and hindi. One among them was 'Online zindagi'. He expressed his gratitude to RJ Ramesh for being connected to this live show. He expressed the present scenario of corona virus through his poetry. On being asked about his family, he said he was the youngest fourth son and in his childhood he had performed the role of Ram in Ramayana in nearby temple. He is fond of writing and he continues writing monthly magazines of his Trust. During this lockdown period, he is utilising his time by reading books and doing translation.

Coming back to Dr. Rishipal ji, he too had developed lot of writing skills and wrote plenty of books for which he was awarded for. He has made his home as library. RJ Ramesh asked him if any challenges that he is facing due to lockdown. During this lockdown period, he is working from home and earlier he used to go for walking at night, now he stopped. He advised people to increase their immunity and to take more of fruits and vegetables. Always wear mask while going out.

Mohan Pandey ji was back again where he emphasized on the importance of workers who were always there in our cities to make us feel satisfied with various requirements.

Lock down chit chat

Welcome to Radio Madhuban 90.4 in which RJ Ramesh is interviewing Jitendra Pandey ji,  Ashvini Vashishtha ji and Chetna Bhati ji for the selfless services rendered by them in fighting against corona virus.

RJ Ramesh says that Jitendra Pandey ji and Ashvini Vashishtha ji are working day and night as Indian Army, so they are the real carona warriors for our society. For the past two months, these two corona warriors continuously reached to needy people in different parts of Rajasthan.

In the words of Jitendra Pandey ji, SDM from Goguna said " Firstly, I wholeheartedly thank Radio Madhuban for this initiative to spread the message of services." He said that whatever orders were received from the Government, he used to make people follow them strictly whether it was maintaining social distance or wearing mask. People were made to realize the importance of social distancing.

Another corona warrior named Ashvini Vashishtha ji who served food to needy people. Those people who were in quarantine, were provided food and other necessary items covering whole Rajasthan. He lended money to farmers through Cooperative Banks by having zero balance. He provided free mask and sanitizers to farmers. 

One more brave women who came forward to help in this crisis period was Chetna Bhati ji, SP from Udaipur. She says that when curfew was laid down for the first time, it was very difficult for people to adjust to remain at home. It was a great challenge for her to create the awareness of social distancing. People were warned that if they don't follow the lockdown, then action will be taken. She added further saying that to help women, if you type, 'Hello Mummy' on Google, Udaipur Police will come to help you. Lady officer group is there to help pregnant women. Medicines, ambulance, vaccine, vehicle for transport ,etc can be provided for these women. So positivity is created in the minds of the people for Police.

Speaking again to Pandey ji, he said that lockdown started from 24 th March but we started preparation from 20 th March itself. He added further that people often come here from outside for business or jobs but our staff checked every ward. We have quarantine about 17,500 to 18000 people. Investigation was done on daily basis for corona.

RJ Ramesh asked Pandey ji to give message, he emphasized on work from home. Now 4 th lockdown has started, so people need to follow government norms like social distancing, wearing masks and prefer to buy local goods. So this will make us to become self- reliance.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Talk on Deep Sleep

Welcome to Radio Madhuban 90.4 fm in which R.K. Hajela ji is sharing his 
valuable experiences about sleep management with RJ Ramesh. 
According to R.K.Hajela ji, "insomnia is a major problem in current 
times due to modern life styles.Nowadays people are facing lot of 
disturbed and inadequate sleep at night. This problem of not getting
sound sleep wasn't seen forty years ago. One survey showed that 93
people had sleep disturbances." 

RJ Ramesh asked Hajela ji about negative impact of insomnia on our health.
In the words of Hajela ji, " If a person gets inadequate sleep, his work efficiency 
declines and weakens his memory. When a person doesn't get sleep, he visits 
the Doctor and Doctor prescribes sleeping pills. According to National Sleep 
Foundation, an average person  should get sleep atleast seven to eight hours.
Disturbed sleep makes our immune system weak and can also lead to cancer.
If a person faces insomnia problem
for a long time, he increases chances of heat attack by 200% times. 
Thus, it affects his cardiovascular or heart. It also leads to Type 2 diabetes 
and respiratory diseases creating imbalance in the body.
It gives rise to diseases like Dementia and affects reproduction system.
It creates disharmony in hormones."
Few golden rules shared by Hajela ji to overcome sleep disturbances:
1).One needs to change life style especially early to bed by 10.30 pm 
at night and fix an early time to wake up in the morning.
2). Clean and comfortable room with darkness & coolness atmosphere.
3). Switch off all electronic gadgets like TV, mobile,etc atleast one
hour before going to sleep at night.
4). Have light food atleast two hours before sleep.
5). Don't consume tea, coffee, chocolate,etc after sunset.
6). Do breathing exercises or pranayam everyday.
7). Don't bring your professional or work tension at home. 
Because peace of mind will ease your sleep.
8).Read any positive books once you get up in morning.
9). Do meditation before and after getting from sleep. 
When the mind is relaxed, you will automatically get
sound sleep.So when you sincerely follow the above tips, 
you will benefit and then share your experiences.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Indian Heritage & Culture Part 3

Radio Madhuban 90.4 fm Sunte Raho Muskurate Raho.RJ Ramesh के साथ

विषय -भारतीय संस्कृति और विरासत

स्पीकर-prof.गजेंद्र कुमार(इतिहास)

एपिसोड ३

आइए जानते है ,भारतीय संस्कृति की लिपि और भाषाओं के बारे में क्योंकि तकनीक के दौर में हम आमतौर पर हिंदी और अंग्रेज़ी का ही उपयोग करते है ।बोलियों के बारे में कम जानने को मिलता है ।

प्रश्न-भारत की विरासत में भाषा के बारे में कुछ बताइए?

उत्तर-भारत विविधताओं का देश है ।इसकी विरासत बड़ी समृद्ध है।इसकी विभिन्नता के कारण  इसे उपमहाद्वीप भी कहा जाता है ।एक महाद्वीप में जितनी विभिन्नतायें पाई जा सकती है,वे सब भारत में  साथ ही  है।भाषा की एकता की माँग   होती ही है ,इसलिए हिंदी को राष्ट्रीय भाषा के रूप में रखा गया है।अंग्रेज़ी का उपयोग भी   भारत के अधिकांश क्षेत्र में मान्य है ।

लेकिन यदि हम भाषा का वर्गीकरण (categories) करे तो उत्तर,पश्चिम

और पूर्वोत्तर में जो भाषा बोली जाती है उनको इंडोआर्या(indo arya) कहा जाता है ।दक्षिण की तरफ़ द्रविड़ भाषा का समूह हूँ ।भारतीय अपेक्षाकृत tribal(जनजातीय) लोग है।उनकी अपनी ही भाषाएँ है ।जिनकी व्याकरण या लिखित इतनी स्पष्ट नहीं है ।हर ५-१० km क्षेत्र में खड़ी बोलियाँ है।मोटे तौर पर कहे तो हर क्षेत्र में विभिन्न भाषाएँ,बोलियाँ और लिपियाँ आपको मिलेगी ही ।

प्रश्न -भाषा का विद्यार्थी जीवन में क्या महत्व है ?

उत्तर-इसी क्रम में पहले ये कहूँगा कि भारत की जो प्राचीनतम सभ्यता है ,घाटी सभ्यता उसकी लिपि पढ़ी नहीं जा सकी ।ऐसा माना जाता है कि उसका कोई लिखित दस्तावेज़ नहीं है,लेखन की जानकारी तो थी ।चित्र  के माध्यम से लिपि प्रचिलित हुई।इसलिए प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा में भी चित्र,कलाकृति,चित्रकला के माध्यम से समझाया जाता है ।साहित्य को अगर हम काल अवधि के अनुसार देखे तो हमारे पास बुद्ध काल साहित्य ,मौर्य  साहित्य,विदेशियों के यात्रा के दौरान लिखित वृतांत है,साथ ही साथ अनेक विदेशी दार्शनिक और इतिहासकार के द्वारा हमें हमारे  देश  की अनेक जानकारियाँ प्राप्त है ।

बुद्ध और महावीर ने क्षेत्रीय भाषा  अपना कर इसको प्रचिलित किया था ।

वैसे  भारत में १००० से ज़्यादा

भाषाएँ है जो कि आँचलिक,क्षेत्रीय और राजकीय है।मगर हिंदी को official language माना जाता है ।

प्रश्न-भाषा के विषय पर संदेश क्या देना चाहेंगे ?

उत्तर-संवाद का सबसे सहज साधन भाषा ही है ।कहीं कहीं भाव इतने प्रबल हो जाते है कि मौन भी अभिव्यक्ति का साधन बन जाता है ।लेकिन भाषा पर वाद विवाद नहि होना चाहिए । भाषा सहज और सम्पन्न हो और जो जनजातीय में बोली जाए ,वह स्वीकार्य हो।भाषा के विषय को संकीर्णता से दूर रखा जाए क्यूँकि भाषा जोड़ने का काम करती है इसको लोगों को बाँटने के लिए उपयोग ना करे ।स्वदेशी भाषा  को महत्व दे ।भाषा  के आधार पर किसी से भेद  ना करे ।

RJ रमेश- बहुत ही अच्छा संदेश  दिया आपने ।

दोस्तों,भाषा नहीं तो भावनाओं को समझना भी थोड़ा मुश्किल हो जाता है ।यह व्यक्ति विशेष के विकास में बहुत महत्व रखती है ।हम दूसरी भाषा बोल रहे है तो हम अलग हो जाए ऐसा नहि होना चाहिए।भाषा सिखना,बोलना हमें जोड़ने के लिए बनाई गयी है।सबकी अपनी अपनी भाषा हो सकती है पर स्वयं को सशक्त बनाए तोड़े नहीं।😁

Friday, May 1, 2020

Kavi Abhishek Anant

Young Poet Abhishek Anant

Welcome to online Kavi sammelan by young Abhishek Anant from U.P who is interviewed by RJ Ramesh on Radio Madhuban 90.4.
Abhishek Anant is a young poet and teacher by profession from U,P. He had been to Mt. Abu couples of years ago and had impressed everyone by his poems. He thinks that daughters (Beti) of this nation are not safe due to female foeticide and other issues. So he felt that protection of daughters is the need of the hour. It is through his poem that he has tried to give message to people. He tried to put forward the pain of daughter through his poems.
Besides this, he has written a beautiful corona gazal too looking at today's crisis. In the words of Yuva Kavi Abhishek Anant, "we can't go outside during lockdown but we can stay at home and go inside." He also expressed his feelings for the shameful act of people who attacked on Doctors and Police, who are protecting us. Being optimistic in approach, he ended saying that this difficult phase will also pass away and a new morning is awaiting to come soon.

Asha Pandey Kaviyatri

Poetess Asha Pandey

Welcome to online Kavi Sammelan by Poetess Asha Pandey with RJ Ramesh on Radio Madhuban 90.4 Fm.
Poetess Asha Pandey  is basically from Udaipur in Rajasthan. Firstly, she thanks RJ Ramesh for spreading awareness of Corona virus to people through Madhuban Radio. In the words of Poetess Asha Pandey through her poetry, "At present there is no cure for corona virus and every developed country whether America, China, Japan or any other country is affected by this virus. Our Government is working very hard to overcome this disease. Doctors and Police have taken a bold step to protect people at the cost of their health." She salutes all those people including Doctors, Police, administration, etc who are taking risk and preventing us from such spread. One shouldn't throw stones on Doctors or Police or do misbehavior towards them. She also tried to say through her poetry that Government or Doctors or Police alone can't do anything unless we don't protect ourselves. At the end of her poetry, she concluded requesting people to hide at home and conquer this enemy who is roaming outside.